Using Rank Tracking Data to Inform Content Strategy: Identifying Opportunities and Trends

📆 · ⏳ 6 min read

Rank tracking data gives me insight into my website’s performance in search engine results. I can use this data to refine my content strategy, boosting visibility and organic traffic.

I’ll explore how I can identify opportunities and trends using rank tracking data.

Using Rank Tracking Tools

Here are some of the best tools, each with unique strengths:


Ahrefs is known for its in-depth backlink data and powerful rank tracking. It gives you detailed analysis and competitor insights.

If you’re running an agency, Ahrefs is great for handling massive data exports, which is key if you manage multiple clients and need deep analysis of backlinks, keywords, and competitor strategies.

This makes it perfect for generating detailed reports.


SEMrush has a massive database and strong competitive analysis tools. You get robust rank tracking, keyword discovery, and site audit features.

If you’re an individual site owner or a smaller agency working on just a few sites, SEMrush is a solid choice.

Its user-friendly interface and all-in-one toolset make it ideal if you’re managing SEO, content, and social media in one place.


Moz is simple to use, with a focus on keyword tracking and domain authority. You also get helpful tools for site optimization, like on-page SEO suggestions and link analysis.

If you’re running a smaller agency or you’re an individual user who wants a straightforward approach to SEO, Moz is for you.

It’s popular because it’s easy to use, even if you’re not a technical SEO expert.


Serpstat is versatile, offering rank tracking, keyword research, and backlink analysis. It’s cost-effective and perfect if you’re on a budget.

Smaller agencies and freelancers like Serpstat because it doesn’t break the bank but still offers a comprehensive set of features.

If you need a wide range of SEO tools without overspending, this one’s a good pick.


It gives you fast updates and detailed keyword insights. It’s simple, which makes it great for monitoring search engine positions.

If you’re an individual or a smaller agency focused on a specific niche or a limited number of clients, AccuRanker works well.

It focuses on fast and accurate rank tracking, so you get detailed keyword analysis without the complexity of broader SEO tools.

These are a few popular ones. There are more rank tracking solutions ↗️ on the market every day, each with unique features.

Identifying Content Opportunities

To find content opportunities with rank tracking data, follow these steps:

Analyze Keyword Rankings

In Ahrefs, go to Site Explorer and enter your domain. Navigate to the Organic Keywords report. This will show you a list of keywords that your site ranks for.

Focus on keywords with high search volume but low ranking. These are the ones you can improve with targeted content or optimization.

Spot Low-Hanging Fruit

Look for keywords where you’re already in the top 10, but not in the top 3. In the Organic Keywords report, filter by positions 4-10.

These are your low-hanging fruit—areas where a bit of content tweaking can yield quick gains. Focus on updating and optimizing existing content to improve these rankings.

Examine Competitors

To review competitor rankings, go to Ahrefs’ Content Gap tool. Enter your domain and your competitors’ domains to see where they rank higher for similar keywords.

This will give you insights into their content strategy. Check what they’re doing differently—like keyword density, structure, or multimedia content—and consider integrating those strategies into your content.

Discover New Keywords

To find new keyword opportunities, use Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer. Enter a seed keyword related to your niche, and Ahrefs will suggest related keywords.

This helps you discover new content ideas and expand your reach. You can also explore Questions to find common queries in your niche.

These are ideal for creating new content or blog posts.

Rank tracking lets you spot emerging trends and track shifting search behaviors. SEMrush is actually a great ally for this part. Here’s how to do it in simple steps:

Monitor Keyword Volumes

Use a tool like SEMrush to track keyword volumes. It lets you see if certain keywords are getting more or less popular over time.

This helps you spot shifting consumer interests or seasonal trends. When you notice a keyword gaining popularity, it’s a sign that people are talking about it.

Create content around these keywords to stay relevant.

Track Content Performance

SEMrush also lets you track how your content performs. Check which pages are rising or falling in rankings.

If you see a sudden drop, it could mean Google updated its algorithm, or maybe your content is outdated.

When you find pages that are slipping, give them a refresh. Update the info and add new content to keep them current.

Featured snippets are the boxes at the top of Google’s search results. If you want to grab one of these spots, SEMrush can help.

Find keywords that have featured snippets, then optimize your content for those keywords. To do this, answer common questions in a clear, concise way.

This can significantly boost your traffic if you manage to get a featured snippet.

Review User Intent

SEMrush allows you to examine search intent behind top-ranking keywords.

Are people looking to buy something? Get information? Find a location? Knowing this helps you adjust your content to match what users need.

If they’re looking for information, give them detailed guides or how-to articles. If they want to buy, make sure your content has a clear CTA!

Using Data to Refine Content Strategy

With your rank tracking data insights, refine your content strategy to improve results:

Update Old Content: Refresh outdated content to align with current trends and search intent. Add new information, multimedia, or internal links to strengthen relevance.

Create New Content: Use keyword research to identify gaps in your content library. Address these gaps with fresh, informative pieces.

Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your content is mobile-friendly. Many users search on mobile devices, and search engines prioritize mobile-optimized sites.

Leverage Internal Linking: Use internal links to connect related content, boosting user engagement and helping search engines understand your site structure.

Use Schema Markup: Implement schema markup to help search engines understand your content better. This can lead to rich results in search engine listings.


Without this data, your website can get stuck with low traffic, poor search engine visibility, and outdated content. It’s like sailing without a compass.

But when you use rank tracking data properly, the difference is huge. You can spot opportunities for new content and fix underperforming pages. You can also track trends and stay ahead of shifts in search behavior.

This can mean more organic traffic, better visibility, and higher search engine rankings.