HackWithInfy 2019 Round 2 Experience.

📆 · ⏳ 3 min read · ·


In my previous blog I shared the questions and my experience for HackWithInfy Round 1. So if you haven’t read that yet then check it out first.

In this one, I’ll be sharing my experience from round 2 for which around 7,500 students were qualified.



DMCA Content

Due to DMCA violation, I cannot share the exact questions here. Although I can share what types of questions I was asked and how was the difficulty level of these questions.

Question 1 was an array manipulation question, Pretty straight-forward question.

Question 2 was another array manipulation question but this was a bit tricky, consider it to be somewhere between leetcode easy to medium.

Question 3 was a Graph question, again this one was also a bit tricky and somewhere between leetcode medium to hard.

My Experience

Personally, for me Round 2 was far much better than Round 1 of HackWithInfy.

Question 1 was very simple and I solved it quickly with the O(n) solution directly.

Question 2 was nice, I tried the brute force approach first with O(n2) complexity and was able to solve 6 test cases. However, after spending some time on it, I was able to solve the question in O(nlogn) time complexity which helped me clear all the test cases.

So, by far I had solved 2 questions completely with all test cases which was way better than my round 1. So I was quite positive when I moved to the third question.

Unfortunately, It was a Graph question and I was not very confident with Graph data structures at that time.

But I had like around an hour left, so I started thinking of the solution. I understood the question and tried implementing the solution but could not come up with any solution to test and submit.


So I can conclude by saying that I was quite happy with my performance in Round 2.

Now let’s talk about the results.

I was not selected for the final round which is the on-site hackathon at the Pune campus. A total of 109 students were selected for the final phase of HackWithInfy in 2019.

But wait!!

There was a silver lining for me, I was given an opportunity for the pre-placement interview for the Power Programmer Role ↗️.

Although Infosys never disclosed the exact ranking for the participants, it was written on their website that the top 300 or 500 (I don’t remember exactly) are given the chance to get a pre-placement interview for power programmer.

So solving 2 questions didn’t help me to reach in the top 109 candidates but it did help me to reach in the top 300 or 500 out of 1,20,000 students who participated.

Now what happened in the interview can be a topic for another blog.

So this was my experience with HackWithInfy 2019 competition.

If you have any doubts or queries then let me know in the comment section below.

See you in the next one đź‘‹

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