LNT Infotech (LTI) Interview Experience.

📆 · ⏳ 7 min read · ·


It’s been a long time since I wrote any blog, so here am I, sharing another interview experience and this one is about the time when LTI ↗️ hosted a pool campus interview. We were called at the Shree L R Tiwari College of Engineering ↗️ at around 8-9 in the morning for the basic orientation and explanation of the interview process.


Spoiler Alert!

If you are eagerly waiting to learn about some new CP or DS/Algo questions then stop right there, because you would be disappointed with this blog.

This will be more like sharing with you my experience (you’ll know why) so that if you are a fresher in 3rd/4th year then you can get some insights from it. So let’s begin now.


It’s a program that gives information about the process, rules, what to do, what not to do, basically a blueprint of this entire process you will be going through in this drive. Along with this, some great insights about the company’s achievements and workflow are also discussed via presentations.

In this orientation, we came to know that there will be hiring for two positions, one for 3.5LPA package and another for 5LPA.

How to decide which candidate is eligible for which?

Well everyone has to give an online test consisting of Quantitive Aptitude and a Coding Question.

Any candidate who clears the Quants round is eligible for Group 1 (3.5LPA) and candidates who have cleared the Quants + Coding round are eligible for Group 2 (5LPA).

The Process is quite simple after you are selected in either of the Group types.

  • Group 1 ➡️ Group Discussion Round ➡️ HR Interview
  • Group 2 ➡️ HR Interview

Test Begins

So I reached the college at the given time, after the orientation, I suppose around 11-12 PM the test started. The flow was that the Aptitude sections were shown first and last was the coding round.

Since the time was less so the aptitude questions were relatively easy, you just have to make sure you don’t make any silly mistakes (which I did, a lot 😅).

This continued for around 30-45 minutes approx, after which the coding section started. There was one CP related question, as in it was a question sugar-coated with a story around it. Mine was something related to Game of Thrones and the title was “John Knows Nothing” 🤣🤣

The question was simple, it was a string manipulation one, there was just a trick to optimize it much better but I managed to get 9/10 test cases passing for this one. Now when I gave the test, the platform they used had multiple languages, so you could choose the language of your choice for coding test from C, CPP, Java, Python, C## etc, and yes Node.js 😀. I choose node as I was comfortable with its syntax. So here I completed my Aptitude + Coding test.

Test Results

So after waiting for a few hours, it was around 1 PM when we had our lunch and came back to the hall where they started declaring the results. I got selected in Group 2.

Now we were asked to stay in a classroom and verify our documents and other stuff to ensure that we indeed have the minimum criteria to sit for this drive, which was 60% aggregate in 10th, +2, and degree. Meanwhile, the HR started the GD for the Group 1 selected candidates.

Whats Next?

The worst part of any pool drive started, what is it you may be thinking right? Well its the waiting time. We waited for around 3-4 hours there before all GD rounds got finished and they started a one-on-one face interview which is the final part, the HR Interview.

Luckily they started with Group 2 first, or maybe I should reframe it, Luckily for most of the people, they started with the Group 2 first.

If you have read my TCS interview blog you probably can get a hint of what might be coming next for me and why I said this😂

Before HR Interview Starts

So they prepared the list and started calling out candidates for a one-on-one interview, approx every candidate took 15-20 mins and it was mostly behavioral-based questions where certain conditions might be given to you to understand how you would react to such kind of situations.

Almost 80% of faces that came out of the interview were happy faces, so people outside started to get relaxed that it’s going to be easy, but I wasn’t because…

Remembering my TCS Interview Experience
Remembering my TCS Interview Experience

But jokes apart, the time was around 6 PM now and canteens were closed, we didn’t carry any snacks and yes almost everyone was hungry then.

Fast-forwarding a bit, its 7 PM and the interviews are still going on for Group 2, remember the entire Group 1 interviews haven’t even started yet. So what we hear next is an announcement that since it’s been too late for today so Group 1 interviews will be held on the next day morning, but we will conduct all Group 2 interviews today itself.

It was almost devastating news for me when I heard this but even better, I was the last or second last candidate from the Group 2 list that day. But after a long wait, my turn comes up around 8:30 or 9. (At this point I was in no condition to remember anything 😅)

Interview Begins

It started with a very basic question

A visual depiction of what is being written about

But to lay out the questions, they were -

  1. Tell me something about yourself in brief
  2. What are your hobbies?

And that’s it, at that point, I messed up even in this case by speaking too quickly and skipping some words in between.

A visual depiction of what is being written about

But that was it, the HR asked me that was I nervous to which I said “No, not really, just a bit tired”

She understood the situation and obviously to think about it, even she must be tired from the entire process all day so I didn’t complain about anything.

This ended my interview at around 9 and I left for home.

Results Time

We’ll get a bit serious for this section because here you will find something really important to take away from this blog.

The results came around a month later and obviously, I had no hopes for me getting selected because if you ask me, even I won’t be able to decide if a candidate is a perfect fit for a company after knowing just his name and his hobbies.

But, I got an offer from LTI with a package of 5LPA.

A visual depiction of what is being written about

But one might think why was my name on the list. What I can conclude from this is two things

  1. The very fact that I was one of the selected candidates for Group 2, so she can assume that I know a bit about coding.
  2. The most important thing, my resume which she had with her and probably what played the most important role in the decision-making process.


Always…always keep your resume updated and professional. Its something that speaks for you when you cannot speak for yourself.

My biggest advice to you would be to learn how to build a professional resume and learn what all things you want to add on your resume. There is this really good quote…

If you are good at something, put it on your resume.

If you want any help or want me to share my tips on resume building then you can reach me out on my social links or rather let me know in the comment section below and I’ll write another blog specifically for resume building.

Another important thing to take away from my experience is that you never know what situation you might get in during interviews, especially pool drives, so make sure you don’t lose your sanity there. Carry extra food and even water. Stay calm whenever possible and even if you are frustrated by something, don’t show it on your face in front of the interviewer.

That’s it for this one, soon I’ll be sharing my Power Programmer Interview Experience if you have read my HackWithInfy round 2 blog and are interested to know more about that.

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