Github CLI ready for your terminal.

📆 · ⏳ 3 min read · ·


Github recently released the beta version of their Github CLI. It’s a simple CLI tool that can be used to bring Github concepts (repo, issue, pr) into the terminal.

You can download it at ↗️.


After installing the cli on your system, just open the terminal and you can use any of these commands


Terminal window
gh issue create

It will ask you for the title and the body of the issue

Creating pull request for feature-branch into the master in owner/repo
? Title My new issue
? Body [(e) to launch nano, enter to skip]

Additionally, you can directly use flags to create the issue directly.

Terminal window
gh issue create --title "Issue Title here" --body "Issue Body here"

And you can use the web browser as well to directly open the URL to the page by adding the --web flag

Terminal window
gh issue create --web

You can list the issues using

Terminal window
gh issue list

along with some additional flags to filter like open issues

Terminal window
gh issue list --state open

Pull Requests

Just like issues, you can open PR’s as well using the CLI.

Terminal window
gh pr create

And again it also supports using the --title and --body flags.

The cool part here is that you can view the status of the PR directly in the terminal.

Terminal window
gh pr status
Current branch
There is no pull request associated with [blog/07]
Created by you
You have no open pull requests
Requesting a code review from you
You have no pull requests to review


Cloning a repo using CLI

Terminal window
gh repo clone <Owner/Repo>

Additionally, you can create new repo using

Terminal window
gh repo create <name>

It supports a set of flags like

-d, --description string Description of the repository
--enable-issues Enable issues in the new repository (default true)
--enable-wiki Enable wiki in the new repository (default true)
-h, --homepage string Repository home page URL
--public Make the new repository public
-t, --team string The name of the organization team to be granted access

Along with creating repos, you can even fork any repo using this tool.

Terminal window
gh repo fork <repository>

And at the very least, open/view any repo in the browser using

Terminal window
gh repo view <repository>
  • Note - If no repository is mentioned, it forks/views the current repository, that is the folder in which you are using the repo if it is initialized as a git repository remotely.


We talk about the latest announcement made by Github about their CLI tool and see a few examples of the commands it ships with.

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Github CLI is a great tool to use if you are a terminal person and want to do everything from the terminal itself. It’s still in beta and has a lot of features to be added. But it’s a great start and I am looking forward to using it more.

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