How I automatically generate a dynamic sitemap in Next.js

📆 · ⏳ 7 min read · ·


Today we will learn how to generate a dynamic sitemap.xml file for your website automatically on build time in Next.js.

I personally use this method to generate the sitemap for my website as well.

We would be using Contentlayer ↗️ to grab the data from blogs and other dynamic pages but the core logic of generating the sitemap should be similar if you use some other library.

Creating a node script

We will be creating a node script that we will be running during the build lifecycle to generate the sitemap.xml and store it inside the appropriate folder.

The folder where we want to store the sitemap.xml file is public folder.

Let’s quickly list down the tasks we want to do in this script first.

  1. Get the slug of all static pages in our app.
  2. Get the slug of all dynamically generated pages (blogs etc) in our app.
  3. Create a sitemap.xml format file and loop over all these slugs and add the <url></url> tag to specify each slug.
  4. Format the output with prettier using HTML parser.
  5. Save the output inside the public folder as sitemap.xml

So first let’s create a file scripts/generate-sitemap.mjs. I am using .mjs extension so I can use import statement over require, you can read more about es6 import here

import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import globby from 'globby';
import prettier from 'prettier';
async function generateSitemap() {
// ...
// Will call the function whenever the file is run

The external dependencies here are globby and prettier so let’s install them as well as devDependencies.

Terminal window
yarn add -D globby prettier

Next, let’s now fill up the function by following the steps we laid out above and get all the slugs for the static pages in our app

import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import globby from 'globby';
import prettier from 'prettier';
async function generateSitemap() {
const pages = await globby([
'!pages/_*.(t|j)sx', // for _app.tsx and _document.tsx
'!pages/[*.(t|j)sx', // for [].tsx and [[]].tsx
// Will call the function whenever the file is run

We are doing pattern matching for all files inside pages directory which have .tsx or .jsx extension.

Next, we want to exclude some of the files here, these would be any files starting with _ like _app.tsx or _document.tsx. We also want to exclude all files which are added for wild card matching as well as the api folder.

Finally, we also want to exclude any 404 or 500 pages we might have added.

Now, let’s bring in those dynamically generated pages.

Since I am using the Contentlayer, it provides a really nice API to get all the generated pages data which is available under .contentlayer/generated folder.

So we will pull any documentType we would have defined here, for eg let’s pull all the blog posts.

import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import globby from 'globby';
import prettier from 'prettier';
import { allPosts } from '../.contentlayer/generated/index.mjs';
async function generateSitemap() {
const pages = await globby([
'!pages/_*.(t|j)sx', // for _app.tsx and _document.tsx
'!pages/[*.(t|j)sx', // for [].tsx and [[]].tsx
const blogPages = => page.slug);
// Will call the function whenever the file is run

Once we have all the slugs for the website, we will now generate the file contents for the sitemap.xml.

import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import globby from 'globby';
import prettier from 'prettier';
import { allPosts } from '../.contentlayer/generated/index.mjs';
import siteMetadata from '../data/siteMetadata.js';
async function generateSitemap() {
const pages = await globby([
'!pages/_*.(t|j)sx', // for _app.tsx and _document.tsx
'!pages/[*.(t|j)sx', // for [].tsx and [[]].tsx
const blogPages = => page.slug);
const sitemap = `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
.map((page) => {
const path = page
.replace('pages/', '/')
.replace('public/', '/')
.replace('.tsx', '')
.replace('.jsx', '')
.replace('.mdx', '')
.replace('.md', '')
.replace('/rss.xml', '');
const route = path === '/index' ? '' : path;
return `
// Will call the function whenever the file is run

We are basically adding the xml headers for sitemap and then looping over all the pages, removing any file extensions or other metadata and then adding the route under url -> loc property.

You would notice that I am appending each route with siteMetadata.siteUrl. I usually prefer to keep site metadata information inside a separate file so I am importing the site base URL from here, but feel free to hardcode your actual site URL directly here.

With this we have our XML file ready, now we just need to format it once and we would use prettier to do that.

import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import globby from 'globby';
import prettier from 'prettier';
import { allPosts } from '../.contentlayer/generated/index.mjs';
import siteMetadata from '../data/siteMetadata.js';
async function generateSitemap() {
const prettierConfig = await prettier.resolveConfig('./.prettierrc.js');
const pages = await globby([
'!pages/_*.(t|j)sx', // for _app.tsx and _document.tsx
'!pages/[*.(t|j)sx', // for [].tsx and [[]].tsx
const blogPages = => page.slug);
const sitemap = `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
.map((page) => {
const path = page
.replace('pages/', '/')
.replace('public/', '/')
.replace('.tsx', '')
.replace('.jsx', '')
.replace('.mdx', '')
.replace('.md', '')
.replace('/rss.xml', '');
const route = path === '/index' ? '' : path;
return `
const formatted = prettier.format(sitemap, {
parser: 'html',
// Will call the function whenever the file is run

I am using the same config that I have created for the project so on line 8 we will import the .prettierrc.js file and pass that config to prettier.format function call and set the parser to be html.

Finally, we would write this file to the public folder so our final script would look like this

Final Script

import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import globby from 'globby';
import prettier from 'prettier';
import { allPosts } from '../.contentlayer/generated/index.mjs';
import siteMetadata from '../data/siteMetadata.js';
async function generateSitemap() {
const prettierConfig = await prettier.resolveConfig('./.prettierrc.js');
const pages = await globby([
'!pages/_*.(t|j)sx', // for _app.tsx and _document.tsx
'!pages/[*.(t|j)sx', // for [].tsx and [[]].tsx
const blogPages = => page.slug);
const sitemap = `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
.map((page) => {
const path = page
.replace('pages/', '/')
.replace('public/', '/')
.replace('.tsx', '')
.replace('.jsx', '')
.replace('.mdx', '')
.replace('.md', '')
.replace('/rss.xml', '');
const route = path === '/index' ? '' : path;
return `
const formatted = prettier.format(sitemap, {
parser: 'html',
writeFileSync('public/sitemap.xml', formatted);
// Will call the function whenever the file is run

Running the Script

Now we have our script ready with us, but when shall we run it is the next question.

So what we want is anytime we build our project and have generated the pages (both static and dynamic) we want to update our sitemap.xml to reflect those changes.

To do this automatically, we will use the postbuild script.

In NPM scripts world you can hook up any script with its pre and post hook which basically would run a script before or after running the main script.

Since we want to generate the sitemap after we have build our website, we will use the postbuild hook.

So head over to your package.json file and add these additional scripts

"scripts": {
"start": "next start",
"dev": "next dev",
"build": "next build",
"sitemap": "cross-env NODE_OPTIONS='--experimental-json-modules' node ./scripts/generate-sitemap.mjs",
"postbuild": "yarn sitemap"

Notice we are adding another script called sitemap which run our script with --experimental-json-modules flag, you can read more about this flag here ↗️.

With this, now whenever your site is built anywhere (Cloud or locally), the postbuild hook would get triggered and it would generate a sitemap for your website and place it in the public folder.

Hope you found this useful, see you in another one 👋🏽

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